
Friday, September 10, 2010

Cute Sackboy for Sale! & Oscar the Grouch ...

Or ... what to make when you're feeling grouchy ... Oscar of course!

Sackboy Peep for Matt's Birthday
Sackboy Peep on flickr
I get quite a few emails from folks asking to purchase a knitted Sackboy like the one I made for Matt, but considering the fact that my poor Hub is still (a year later!) waiting for me to make one for him, I don't think that's feasible - even if I would ever consider selling any of my peeps (wouldn't that be slavery??). As most of you know, I only make them as gifts of love, for friends and family.

But... I have found a solution for those seeking to purchase (rather than make), a Sackboy ...

Click here to go to the page where you can buy a Sackboy

Cute, huh?!  :o)

I had planned to make a Sackboy for my Hub's birthday last month, but life intervened and things have been kinda crazy for a while - so no Sackboy Peep yet. :o/   So when Matt mentioned seeing this little guy at I had to check it out. As is usually the case with thinkgeek, they were sold out by the time I got there, but I found them at!  Yay!

And, YES!  My hub now has his very own Sackboy!  - just to tide him over till I can make one for him - he still wants my peep version.  ;o)   Don't feel too sad for him, I've made him dozens of peeps!  Just haven't gotten to Sackboy yet. Someday I'll get caught up on my peep posting and you can see some of his collection. Okay...  That may never happen, but I can TRY!

This little Sackboy from is made out of knitted fabric but (sadly) is stuffed with something rather firm, and isn't soft and cuddly, but he's very cute for display!  We love him!

So what peep did my Hub actually get for his birthday this year?


Oscar the Grouch Peep

Oscar the Grouch
(The Muppet from Sesame Street for anyone who doesn't know him)
Or "Garbo" as I tend to call him when I can't remember his name.   ;o)

Oscar the Grouch Peep

I had to restrain his enthusiasm as he was so excited to have his photos taken.  ;o)  You'd think he'd be used to it, but he says that Elmo and Kermit and Cookie usually grab all the attention. 

He goes along with my Hub's other Muppet Peeps, Elmo and Cookie and Kermie, whom you've already seen all over the place, and Grover, whom I made for his last birthday, but haven't posted yet.

Oscar has a little friend, Bitty Kitty, whom he loves very much, and he's not grouchy with her at all.  :o)

Oscar the Grouch Peep

Bitty feels very comfortable and secure when she's with Oscar.

Oscar the Grouch Peep

Oscar Loves wee Bitty Kitty and watches over her carefully

Oscar the Grouch Peep

Bitty Kitty is very very tiny

Bitty Kitty, Oscar the Grouch's dear friend

My Hub says I should show you the large photo as well, so you can get a good look at her.  :o)

Bitty Kitty, Oscar the Grouch's dear friend

Yep, Oscar's trashcan is a bit (!) small...  Duhh... I was knitting away without looking at his can (no pun intended!  Hee hee) and got a bit carried away with his size. He's knitted all in one piece, so the trashcan was bobbing about, below my needles, and still I never noticed!  Heh heh

Oscar the Grouch Peep
         "UGH!  Tight fit!"

Happily my Hub loves him, just as he is!  Yay!  And so do I.  :o)

Hope you've all had a lovely summer!   ;o)

You can find posts about the other Muppet Peeps here, and pics of lots of the peeps here:

theknittingkitty for theknittycat


  1. What did you fill his bottom with to make sure he wouldn't tip over easily?

  2. Hi Sonje,

    He's filled with polyfil only. I made sure that the bottom is flat by knitting a flat disk and then knitting around that to make the trash can. When I stuffed the can portion, before knitting the rest above it, I made a flat disk of stuffing and put that in the bottom first, and when he was all done and stuffed, I ran a bit of yarn from the bottom center to the middle back of the can, and pulled up a bit to ensure that it was anchored in a flat shape. He seems to balance just fine. :o)
