
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Froggie Frogmorton the Froggie Peep

Yay! I actually made something during a weloveamigurumi (live journal group) ami-along that fits the theme!! :o)

As part of my Spring Birthdays/Easter crunch, I have several gifts still in progress for my Hub's sister and  Mum, in Scotland. (They're late, but they're used to getting their peeps from me late.  It's now a tradition.  ;o)  There are so many people to make things for and just not enough hours in the day!)

I finished this froggie on Saturday, just under the wire for the "in-the-pond" ami-along! WooHOO!!  Okay, I know, I know - the rule in WLA is that it doesn't matter if you post items that aren't related to an ami-along, and it DOESN'T! But it's exciting anyway! Ha Ha! And I'm still making Octo-Buns (more about those later) - so I'm right in time for THIS month's under-the-sea ami-along!!   *does the happy dance*

And yes, I AM easily amused. ;o)

Frogmorton in Motion

Frogmorton is my very first crocheted frog! And my first not-KERMIT frog!
(knitted Kermie's are here )

Froggie Frogmorton in his little lotus flower bed/tub

I'm still unable to knit (with my sore mitts), and being less adept at crocheting ami's (and slow as molasses at the moment), I'm sticking to simple shapes. ;o) Happily, there are LOTS of cuties to be made with simple shapes!!  (I've written a post all about my crocheting adventures and why I'm crocheting my peeps at the moment, but haven't had a chance to post it yet)

Frogmorton with his very yellow bath pouf

My Hub's sis loves yellow and orange!

Frogmorton in my hand

He's kind of ticklish. ;o)

Frogmorton collage

He LOVES a bath with his fuzzy yellow pouf! :o)
(the pouf is also a ring - so you can always keep it handy in case you have an emergency need for a teensy weensy bath pouf. heh heh)

Doesn't he look like a teddy from the back? hee hee
That was a surprise!

The bottom left of the collage shows him with a photo of my inspiration
(on my iTouch - iPhone without the phone)

He's based on this adorable design by LuvlyGurumi

her pattern is here:

I didn't work from her pattern (I always work freehand) but it's the same frog. Totally her design. I came across her brilliant designs a while back, and have always wanted to make knitted versions of them. They're sooo adorable!!!  Love love her lambie!! And her lion, with a bonnet-mane (!), is just too cute!!! :o) And the other day I saw that she also has the cutest BUMBLEBEE!! And she has a wonderful bunny and pup too! Oh sooo much cuteness!

LuvlyGurumi's store with LOTS of adorable patterns is here:

I'm looking forward to getting back to knitting my peeps, but in the meantime, I'm having fun crocheting them now!  Hurray!  :o)

theknittingkitty for theknittycat


  1. You're so talented! I've been looking through some of your blog this morning, and all of your creations are so wonderful! ^_^

  2. Thank you so much, Lauren! You're very kind. :o) I'm so pleased that you enjoyed them!
